Posts tagged getaway
How to choose one ultimate thing to do at Victoria Falls

How do you choose what to do at Victoria Falls?

It’s not easy, because there is plenty to do, but certain factors might just play a role such as budget, time restraint or just plain stupidity to do them. A list of must-do things to choose from.

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How to tick all the boxes in Mozambique

The southern tip of Mozambique has just enough tangs of culture to tantalize the taste buds and satisfy your quest for adventure, without you having to go far.

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The Best Bush Camp in the Waterberg

A few years ago I was searching the internet to find a place for us to celebrate mom-in-law’s birthday. I came across a campsite called Matamba Bush Camp in the Waterberg that sounded just right for us but not for that occasion.  

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How to experience one unbelievably quaint airport in Comoros

We managed to get a taxi, yes, you heard right, to take us to the airport. We didn’t realise there were any taxis – probably the only one on the island. The building didn't look like an airport terminal. Definitely not a plane in sight.

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Autonomous jewel of an island in the Comoros - Moheli

Moheli was a sight for sore eyes. I survived my unpleasant ordeal of green gills and hubby lived to tell his tale of nearly becoming fish food.

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Disaster, Compromise and Charm at the Comoros

Friends of ours had gone to Comoros earlier in the year and stayed at Le Galawa hotel on Grande Comoros, swimming, snorkelling and having fun with all the water sports available at the hotel.

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Beachcombing in the tropics of Mauritius

The drive in the taxi was quite hair-raising with lots of hooting and squeezing past other vehicles on the narrow island roads, but the sweet fragrances from the sugar cane and tropical blooms along the side of the road soothed our senses…for a while.

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